Saturday, 1 December 2012


Hey guys.... sorry, haven't been in the mood to update recently.

I've been really ill recently, throwing up and really bad headaches :(

Jojo x

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

School's Buggin' Me...

Yeah... about the whole 'I'll upload on Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays' thing.....,
Sorry HipKitties! I've had so much homework recently that I can only really upload  when I have time, which is hardly ever. Did I upload yesterday? I can't remember...... hehe... Anyway, I have a test tommorow, but I just mananged to sneak away and do this.

I was meant to be in detention today, at lunch, with the rest of my class but I forgot... my teacher didn't care - she's cool like that. I'm meant to be finishing off my speech on whether I'm for or against the idea of reinstating corporal punishment into the educaion system - I'm against the idea, but every time I make a point I keep thinking off a way to counteract it :( I doon't knoo wot tooo dooo...


See ya on Saturday HipKitties!
Jojo xx

Sunday, 18 November 2012


Watching Twilight with my mum! Amazing books, but...
Kristen Stewart - Y UR FACE ALWAYZ GWUMPY?

Sorry HipKitties

Hey guys (I say guys, but in reality I'm the only one who reads this blog),

Sorry I didn't upload yesterday, I wasn't feeling well and I had a bucket load of homework :(
(actually, I couldn't be bothered so I watched loads of films on Sky Anytime and attempted to make a Wikipedia entry for myself - it didn't work...) In other news, the gash on my leg is healing and soon I'll be able to take the steri-strips off and play Rugby again (I've missed four weeks of it.... btw, I play for Saracens ad I'm in the As at school..... Just Saying....)

I learnt how to code aswell. Well, sort of..... I can hack my computer to make a new administrator account to overide my Dad's! But as for making a website using coding - not doing so well...
If anyone does want to learn how to code, go to '' to learn - it's pretty darn good!

Anybody else watch Danisnotonfire here? Nerimon? Charlieissocoollike? Vlog Brothers?  ANYONE?? I guess not.... By the way, I now christen anybody who reads my blog *pause for dramatic affect* HipKitties! As in 'Hipster Kitties'! Get it...? No? Oh well..

Stay classy Blogspot! (yes, Anchorman was one of the films I watched yesterday)
Jojo xx

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Psychological Thoughts

When I did my 'Sooo Boreddd' post, I had time to kill, so I thought I'd write this:

Ernest Hemmingway (a famous author) was once challenged to write a six word short story that could make people cry, so he wrote this: ‘For Sale: Baby Shoes. Never worn.’

That 'story' (if it can even be called so) was and still is most commonly associated with death and sadness, most people decide that the baby intended to wear the shoes was stillborn, or died of illness or was maybe even stolen. And that would be enough to make someone cry, especially a pregnant mother, as it would bring all sorts of scenarios created entirely from the psychological mess that is commonly known as the human mind.


Yet there is another aspect of the story that no-one seems to consider – the baby could have larger feet than the average baby, preventing it from squeezing its foot into the shoe – thus resulting in the selling of the shoe. Or perhaps the baby was given other shoes to wear from family, and to show that the gift was appreciated the child would wear the other shoes and then maybe a few years later, the mother and father of the afore mentioned child might find the shoes, realise that they were never worn, and then sell them.


That’s one of many examples in which the human mind jumps to conclusions as soon as certain words are mentioned. As soon as someone says ‘this is a sad story’ and then they tell you the six words about which I have been writing this whole essay (I’m going to call this an essay, even though this is actually something I wrote because I’m bored) the human brain connects the thought of sad things happening to babies to this story, resulting in lots of emotion of the sorrowful kind. Yet if someone were to say ‘this baby had big feet’ (I know, it’s a bad example…) and then told the story you’d be like ‘Wow. Thanks for sharing that with me. Note the sarcasm in my voice as I compliment you.’

Deep shiz huh?

Monday, 12 November 2012

Pet File

Animal: Cat

Name: Kiwi

Gender: Female

Age: 4 almost 5

Likes: Being morbidly obese yet lovable, parmesan cheese, being scratched under her chin, heat and being dryed with a tea towel after going out in the rain

Dislikes: Diets, worming tablets, hugs, strangers, being cold

Send me a factfile of your pet(s)!
Jojo xx

Soo Bored

I've finished my homework so now I'm just killing time - I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO!
My guinea pigs are sleeping, my cat's sleeping, my sister's 14 (if anyone has a teenage sister, they'll know that's enough to explain a million words), my mum's 'working' and my dad's at work. Blarghhh. And, to top it all off, my phone is out of credit. WHYYYYY??? I guess I'll have to just sit here and talk to you, my invisible readers who I know are out there somewhere *pulls out telescope, strikes a magnificent pose, pauses for effect then... slumps to the ground and feels sorry for himself* Who am I kidding? No-one's ever gonna read this... so: I'M AFRAID OF THE DARK AND SCARY FILMS!!! Mwah-hah-hahhhhh.

Jojo xx

An Imperial Affliction

Just a little pic I made using a quote from John Green's 'The Fault in Our Stars'.
(btw at the bottom it says 'Peter Van Houten - An Imperial Aflliction)

Jojo xx

Plead for Awesomeness

Hey guys - right now, I know that no-one whatsoever reads this blog apart from me so.... feeling forever alone here..... :( If someone is looking at my blog and reading this, pretty (pretty with a cherry on top) please tell your friends, family arch nemisis (es) or even goldfish abut my blog - I'll try and post every Monday, Tuesday and Saturday (and maybe even more often), but I just started Senior School and I'm still not up to scratch with the whole 'organise your work according to when they're due' thing (I'll do a project due in 2 weeks in one night, when I should be doing homework due for Tomorrow.... he-he-he..) Argh - My mum's coming upstairs - I'm meant to be doing Maths homework... BYEEEE!

Many many thanks - especially to your hipster goldfish - I know you have one... (; ,
The Jojo xx